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M. S. Ackerman, Starr, B., and Pazzani, M., The Do-I-Care Agent: Effective Social Discovery and Filtering on the Web, in Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet (RIAO'97), 1997, pp. 17–31. (80.66 KB)
M. S. Ackerman, Dachtera, J., Pipek, V., and Wulf, V., Sharing Knowledge and Expertise: The CSCW View of Knowledge Management, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Journal, vol. 22, pp. 531-573, 2013. (495.6 KB)
L. A. Adamic, Zhang, J., Bakshy, E., and Ackerman, M. S., Knowledge Sharing and Yahoo Answers: Everyone Knows Something, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2008. (2.79 MB)
D. W. McDonald and Ackerman, M. S., Just Talk to Me: A Field Study of Expertise Location, in Proceedings of the 1998 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'98), 1998, pp. 315–324. (60.96 KB)
D. W. McDonald and Ackerman, M. S., Expertise Recommender: A Flexible Recommendation System and Architecture, in Proceedings of the 2000 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'00), 2000, pp. 231–240. (437.82 KB)
D. Merritt, Hung, P. - Y., and Ackerman, M. S., Expertise Finding: A Socio-Technical Design Space Analysis, in Expertise, Communication, and Organizing, J. W. Treem and Leonardi, P. M. New York: Oxford University, 2016. (1.02 MB)
K. K. Nam, Ackerman, M. S., and Adamic, L. A., Questions in, Knowledge iN? A study of Naver’s Question Answering Community, in ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’09), 2009. (551.29 KB)
B. Starr, Ackerman, M. S., and Pazzani, M., Do I Care?—Tell me what’s changed on the Web, in Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Machine Learning in Information Access, 1996, pp. 119-121. (296.68 KB)
B. Starr, Ackerman, M. S., and Pazzani, M., Do-I-Care: A Collaborative Web Agent, in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI"96), 1996, pp. v.2, 273–274. (16.78 KB)
J. Zhang, Ackerman, M. S., and Adamic, L. A., Expertise networks in online communities: structure and algorithms, in Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW'07), 2007, pp. 221–230. (696.28 KB)
J. Zhang and Ackerman, M. S., Searching for Expertise in Social Networks: A Simulation of Potential Strategies, in Proceedings of the 2005 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group'05), 2005, pp. 71–80. (1.71 MB)
J. Zhang, Ackerman, M. S., Adamic, L. A., and Nam, K. K., QuME: A Mechanism to Support Expertise Finding in Online Help-seeking Communities, in Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'07), 2007, pp. 111–114. (167.43 KB)